The 40 Prado Homeless Services Center is a 365 days per year facility that helps individuals and families improve their health and stability and move them towards self-sufficiency. Some of the vital services provided include overnight shelter, meals, showers, laundry, mail/phone services, access to case management, primary medical care, animal kennels, mental health and substance abuse services, and a Warming Center during times of inclement weather.
In the face of COVID-19, 40 Prado continues to provide these essential services to the homeless community. As a potential "hotspot" they began implementing safety procedures almost immediately. WE reached out to the organization and CAPSLO Deputy Director Grace McIntosh shared some great perspective about current opperations at the shelter:
"We have closed the Center to out-of-county and new people just traveling through and done as much social distancing as is possible for a shelter. The most important thing we implemented immediately was taking temperatures twice a day and anyone over 100.4 was immediately seen by the on-site CHC medical provider (we are so very fortunate to have them here 5 days a week) who then assess and if necessary runs a swab test. In this entire time we only had 3 people with temperatures and they were all negative. We continue to be vigilant and it has certainly taken a toll, as you can imagine. Staff have been absolutely amazing, and are coming in with such a positive "can-do" attitude. I am in awe!"
As you can imagine, a project like this takes a lot of hard work and ample resources. Some of their most pressing needs currently include the following:
As you can imagine, the biggest need is financial. They lost about 90% of their evening meal providers so they hired another part-time cook to prepare dinners and the food bill has drastically risen.
There is a constant need for coffee, breakfast foods (cereal, milk, bread, eggs, bagels, peanut butter, jam, butter, etc).
Sleeping bags are a huge need as they have to turn away about 3 people every day - they are constantly running out.
New or in good condition mens clothing, underwear, socks and shoes.
Liquid laundry detergent and Simple Green
Pens, printer paper, and Sharpies
More distillery alcohol for hand washing
Cal Poly AMSA would like to show our support for this amazing organization as they continue to promote the health and safety of our community during this challenging time. All donations are greatly appreciated and will help 40 Prado provide all of these essential goods and services to the members of our community most in need.
Help your Cal Poly AMSA students help our community!